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Rosie Burbidge
Jan 12, 20222 min read
When is purchasing an old trade mark a good idea?
Trade mark infringement, honest concurrent use and so-called “moribund marks” were the focus of an interim decision in a case concerning...

Rosie Burbidge
Jan 3, 20222 min read
What's a website blocking order and why is it useful?
Nintendo was granted an early Christmas present by the Honourable Mrs Justice Joanna Smith DBE - a website blocking order (Nintendo Co...

Rosie Burbidge
Dec 23, 20211 min read
What are the IP issues facing luxury businesses in the UK?
The latest Luxury Law Jurisdictional Comparison Guide has been released. The Guide provides jurisdictional-specific answers and insights...

Rosie Burbidge
Dec 8, 20214 min read
What do recent EU trade mark and design judgments mean for the UK?
Although EU law is no longer binding on the UK, in practice, the laws remain the same and what happens in the EU courts will continue to...

Rosie Burbidge
Nov 26, 20212 min read
How Tolkein's estate reclaimed a copycat crypto domain name
The estate of JRR Tolkien recovered the domain name, from the owner of a crytpo website
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