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Rosie Burbidge
Nov 25, 20182 min read
Who owns a coat of arms? (& can Donald Trump copy them)
Discover the fascinating story behind Donald Trump's coat of arms and the legal issues surrounding its use. Who truly owns a coat of arms?

Rosie Burbidge
Nov 25, 20187 min read
How can you protect data?
Data was described by The Economist as as the new oil. Every valuable asset tends to be protected by IP in some shape or form and data is no

Rosie Burbidge
Nov 25, 20186 min read
Domain names and Google Ads - what's the current position?
Can a US corporation selling construction software only in the Americas under the name ARGOS be sued for infringement of a registered...

Rosie Burbidge
Oct 14, 20186 min read
How does the Google AdSense programme affect trade mark infringement disputes?
Find out about the connection between the Google AdSense programme and trade mark infringement

Rosie Burbidge
Sep 13, 20183 min read
How do Part 36 offers work in IPEC?
How do Part 36 offers work in the IP Enterprise Court?
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