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Rosie Burbidge
Apr 10, 20223 min read
How do you prove design infringement?
Boot designer Fairfax & Favor (F&F) has won a design infringement case against House of Bruar, a Scottish fashion retailer in the IPEC....

Rosie Burbidge
Jan 3, 20222 min read
What's a website blocking order and why is it useful?
Nintendo was granted an early Christmas present by the Honourable Mrs Justice Joanna Smith DBE - a website blocking order (Nintendo Co...

Rosie Burbidge
Nov 26, 20212 min read
How Tolkein's estate reclaimed a copycat crypto domain name
The estate of JRR Tolkien recovered the domain name, from the owner of a crytpo website

Rosie Burbidge
Aug 19, 20212 min read
LITECOIN - crypto trade mark application is passing off
An application to register a trade mark can constitute passing off, according to a recent judgment by Deputy High Court Judge John...

Rosie Burbidge
May 1, 20212 min read
Do sports teams with similar names infringe IP rights?
The Court of Appeal has upheld a finding of trade mark infringement, but overturned a passing off finding, in a case concerning two UK...
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