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Rosie Burbidge
Mar 24, 20233 min read
Can you prove copyright infringement of software without seeing the source code?
The copying of functional similarity in software used in quality assurance manufacturing was considered without access to the source code

Rosie Burbidge
Mar 24, 20233 min read
Technical products and complex products in EU design law
The EU Court has given two judgments recently in referrals from EU national courts about how to interpret EU design law.

Rosie Burbidge
Mar 24, 20233 min read
How do you acquire distinctiveness in the EU?
Proving that a trade mark has acquired distinctive character through use is very challenging in the EU. Find out the latest cases here

Rosie Burbidge
Mar 23, 20233 min read
Is Insta the only GRAM trade mark?
The UK IPO's finding that GRAM / INSTAGRAM and Soundgram are no confusingly similar was not "plainly wrong" says the High Court

Rosie Burbidge
Mar 14, 20233 min read
Why did Marriott lose the DELTA trade mark appeal?
Marriott's DELTA trade mark appeal shows how hard it is to overturn first instance UKIPO decisions
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