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Rosie Burbidge
Oct 27, 20233 min read
Acquiring IP: Why is NEXT buying FatFace?
What are the factors driving the trend of change and consolidation within the fashion retail sector?

Rosie Burbidge
Oct 26, 20232 min read
Is a five-year criminal sentence for trade mark infringement too harsh?
The EU Court of Justice has addressed questions concerning criminal penalties for unauthorised use of trade marks.

Rosie Burbidge
Oct 26, 20234 min read
Can you enforce rights in an orphan brand?
A recent judgment in the IPEC illustrates some of the challenges that can arise when an old brand falls into disuse. But this case provides

Rosie Burbidge
Oct 26, 20232 min read
How do IP rights facilitate access to finance?
A new study provides some data to show just how important IP rights are both for raising capital and predictors of successful exit strategy.

Rosie Burbidge
Sep 30, 20233 min read
What is the test for patent infringement in the UK?
A recent judgment of Mr Justice Zacaroli highlights some important points about the test for patent infringement in the UK.
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