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Rosie Burbidge
Dec 24, 20202 min read
Can a famous brand avoid trade mark clearance for new product categories?
You take a famous car company with a well known trade mark, say Ferrari, and decide that you can get an entirely new revenue stream...

Rosie Burbidge
Oct 28, 20202 min read
What happens your current brand is different to your trade mark registration?
Branding and trade mark use can change in subtle (and not so subtle) ways over time. For example, it may be used in a different typeface,...

Rosie Burbidge
Jun 13, 20203 min read
When is a General Civil Restraint Order against further IP claims appropriate?
When is a General Civil Restraint Order appropriate against further IP claims. What about when evidence is fabricated?

Rosie Burbidge
Jun 13, 20204 min read
Do declarations of non-infringement work for trade mark litigants?
Discover if declarations of non-infringement protect trade mark litigants. Dive into recent English cases and the limitations of DNIs.

Rosie Burbidge
Jun 12, 20204 min read
Will wearable fashion revive retail?
Explore the intersection of fashion and technology and the potential for wearable fashion to revive the fashion industry.
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