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Aldi lookalike loses on Appeal
This judgment reinforces the value of registering packaging as a trade mark – not just logos or brand names.
Rosie Burbidge
7 hours ago3 min read

No fowl play here – Morley’s trade marks upheld on appeal
The Court of Appeal upheld a string of findings by HHJ Melissa Clarke in favour of the South London fried chicken favourite, Morley’s.
Rosie Burbidge
7 hours ago3 min read

A juicy summary judgment assesses requirements for trade mark validity
a detailed and instructive decision on the criteria for trade mark validity, with a particular focus on clarity and precision
Rosie Burbidge
8 hours ago4 min read

Mind the Gap: TFL and GAP dispute registration of iconic slogan
TfL’s "MIND THE GAP" trade mark partly succeeded despite GAP’s opposition. Non-compliance with a co-existence agreement was bad faith
Rosie Burbidge
Jan 113 min read

Why did YouTube Shorts not infringe SHORTSTV trade marks?
High Court judge rules that Google’s YouTube Shorts service does not infringe SHORTSTV trade marks and that there is no passing off.
Rosie Burbidge
Dec 3, 20244 min read
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